All support to the fund is welcome. You can support us in several ways. The most direct way is by making a donation to the fund. Our bank details are:
All support to the fund is welcome. You can support us in several ways. The most direct way is by making a donation to the fund. Our bank details are:
All support to the fund is welcome. You can support us in several ways. The most direct way is by making a donation to the fund. Our bank details are:
How to support us
The Swellendam Bursary Fund is a fully independent charity organisation that collects donations from sponsors, regular contributors and by organising special events.
Every type of support to the fund is more than welcome. You can support us in various ways:
The Bursary Fund is registered as a non-profit organisation. This implies that donations to the Bursary Fund by individuals and businesses can be claimed back from the South African Revenue Services (SARS).
You can support us by becoming a regular, monthly donor. All donations, big and small, are greatly appreciated. All you need to do is to complete the form below and to create a debit order with your bank.
Please click on the button of your bank to create a debit order:
Our bank details are:
Bank: ABSA Bank Swellendam
Accountholder: Swellendam Bursary Fund
Branch code: 632005
Account number: 4063 4490 31
Bankcode: ABSAZAJJ
You can also help us by making a once-off donation. SA residents can do an EFT using the above bank details.
For donations made from outside South Africa you can use the bank details above or contact us directly.
If you are just interested in our activities, you can subscribe to the newsletter that we issue twice a year. We will also update you on our special events.